Sunday, November 17, 2024

Secret Country, Word to the Wise album cover


Sand Cat Entertainment logo

 Logo design for Sand Cat Entertainment (variations with rough sketches). 

Fat Bangs logo

 Final logo and sketches for the band, Fat Bangs (links to come). This was an interesting situation in that the band decided they wanted to use one of the rough sketches as the final work. So I did some Procreate cleanup and bam, there ya go. 

Barcade Los Angeles posters

A few new posters for Barcade LA, one for a Holiday Gift Drive and one for a Women's Pinball League (two versions, the second one was rejected for being too illegible... you be the judge!)


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lo-Fi Takes the Streets 2024

This year's LO-FI TAKES THE STREETS festival in the Jersey City Heights, put on by the Riverview Neighborhood Association and the Low-Fidelity bar in JC.
Below are the final poster, tee-shirt, an alternate (unused) logo, detail on the Walkmanwoman (I just gave her that name right now, so gimme a break), detail on a tribute to the late, beloved JC fixture, Matt Caputo, sketches of Walkmanwoman (she was initially going to be more sci-fi superhero, then I was asked to "punk her up" a little, then ended up striking a balance between the two), the logo art WIP, and detail on the background location in Jersey City.